Tuesday, October 5, 2010


2 tge ari ni aku resah jer..knp ek???

Monday, October 4, 2010


sabtu 2.10.2010 hari ini dalam sejarah..first time aku tengok wayang, memang excited coz first time. walaupom aku yg last dapat tiket dari kawanku tapi aku hepi coz last minute aku dpt tiket, apepon aku hepilah..nk dijadikan kisahnye,tgh syok2 aku menonton tbe2 perut meragam, hai mase nilah nak buat hal pulak.. so aku thn coz time tu part yg bez ,so tak bleh miss..fighting scene,hui,skali bkn stkt perut mrgm tpi die dtg lam pakej lah pulak..igt aku suke ke maen pakej2 ni..haisy, mase mcm2 gaye lah ade mcm cacing kepanasan pon ade..=)..xpe aku thn, lgpon dah nk habis ceritenye, tapi yg aku pelikye kwn aku ni tbe2 je diam,dri td pnye lar bsg tetibe je diam,rupenye die sdg terseksa batinye(nk buang), so the last part aku dah nk start angkat kaki ni, dgn pntas ku berlari mncari tnds, jln pon dh start pelik sbb takut tercicir..hmm, sesudahnye kwnku dh pon tgu kat parking ..skali aku dtg dpt plak brite yg aku lpe nk tutup tgkap krte die,haish, bersalah aku dibuatnye...apepon aku mintak maaf byk2 kat kwn aku tuh,nsb baek die murah hati kalu tak conpem aku balik jln kaki,jauh tu...tapi bkn setakat tu aje cerite aku, disebabkan kitorg dah lewat..kite ade satu lagi challenge, camne nk msk coz dah lewat, so lepas je mkn kitorg sepakat tuk sembunyi je kat blkg kete tu..
apelagi, hepi tol lar setan..coz aku dah buat keje jht..=)
haha hepi tol..!!!
so the point aku post ni sje je,bosan!!
opps lupe wayang tu tajuk legend of guardian: owl of gahoole!!

bez giler!!


heart is racing with highest speed for presentation!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


fuh..skang aku dah ade band.,sumenye idea kawan aku,band kitorg bukan menyanyi ataupun dance tapi band kitaorg memang hebat coz mendatangkan hasil yang lumayan untk menampung hidup,3 org ahli, aku jual nasi,sorg lagi jual air n accountant kitorg, and sorg lagi personal assistant kitorg yg loyal n bez supporter to the band selain aku..haha..yg aku peliknye aku dh bgi flyer utk tempahan tpi xde pon yg tempah, so aku ambik shortcut utk menjaja..so terbentuklah band ni..band kitorg bername " coroc band"..bez gile..x sgke menjaja ni fun and interesting..=) byk kitorg buat ciap ade permanent customer lagi..fuh, letih..tapi mmg bez giler:)utk kwn2 lme jgn jeles..=) satu lgi band kitorg dtg menjaja dengan menyanyi entah ape2 lagu..macam2=)

Saturday, August 21, 2010


love my friend a lot, coz im happy with them..=)
as a friend there is some sweet memories and also bad. but, as long as
we appreciate it , it will refreshing me..=)


im sad coz my money was stolen..argh!!!!!!!!!
feel like dying, that money i earn for this month by selling

Monday, April 19, 2010


“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


what do friend means if they keep a secret from each other,
no it is not a true friendship,what i can describe about friendship is it is important to keep care each other,
no secret!defenitely..no!
so what it means then?dont u think so?
friend tells..story of u and me..true smile,to keep they happy,

ENginE PRob

new problem on engine performance need more research..=/

Monday, March 29, 2010

ThINk thIS NIcE??=)

i think it is very nice,haha..because today my brother had found i so cute..but not cute enough for biting,someone told me that this animal bite was dangerous not because of sickness but i wont let it go until you heard thunder.,anyway ,it is folk tales, right?? comes to think of it ,it may true.watever just a piece of my mind think while looking at it, with that innocent face,,lol=).here is some info about it ..
well,it comes from three species of loris which is it is slow loris. maybe because of it movement which is slow.
The Indonesian name, malu malu, can be translated as "shy one".while malaysian name give it to him was "kera duku", some "nelon".maybe it to shy to move then people give the name.
other than that slow loris is an endangered species.Adult slow lorises range in size from 21 to 38 cm (8.3 to 15 in), depending on the species, and weigh up to 2 kg . The short, thick fur can have a variety of colours, but most common is reddish-grey with white undertones. They have well developed opposable thumbs, which they use to grasp and hold branches, and a very flexible back.dont think it do not have tale, it does but to shrt to be seen..haha.
it also have defence tactic which Slow lorises can produce a toxin which they mix with their saliva to use as protection against enemies. Mothers will lick this toxin onto their offspring before leaving them to search for food. The toxin is produced by glands on the insides of their elbows. The lorises suck it into their mouths and deliver it when they bite or lick.Loris bites cause a painful swelling, and the toxin is mild and not fatal. Cases of human death have been due to ..wow..scary,right? for such small and cute one..like a vampires.haha.=)

Saturday, March 27, 2010


A game for have started=)